Meaning of a name

What does your name mean? 

Chinese characters are pretty complicated.  If you write one stroke the wrong way it becomes a different character.  So when people ask what your name is they also ask you to put each character in the context of its meaning.  That way folks are able to know how the character is written.  Also, a friend once told me that if something is cofessed over you enough times, you become that.  For example, if everyone around you tells you that you’re stupid, eventually you start to believe it.  So it seems, that if someone’s name is said over and over, they become more and more that person.  Of course this is not true in every case, but regardless I think it is important to understand the origins of self, and one of these origins is in our names.  My English name is Latin and mean “dedicated to Mars.”  Mars-the Roman god of war.  My Chinese name has two characters.  The first character roughly translates into “a lot” and the second “wisdom.”  i.e. I fight wisely.  Bring it.  

What does your name mean?

7 responses to “Meaning of a name

  1. marsh, there’s a girl here whose name is Hui Ying! same characters as yours, just the other way around 🙂

  2. i’m told my name means morning angel. i probably don’t want to see me in the morning.

    i think you know what Mini-Me means.

  3. Chi-hong Lee
    “…And the Great Plum Tree”

  4. i have a one-character chinese name that means “sharp/bright”. i like what you said about how we internalize our names in a way. i used to wonder about that because people seem to reflect their given [chinese] names.

  5. stephanie– my parents chose that name because they thought it sounded pretty.

    my chinese name– means something like ‘extending ideals.’

  6. My name meaning is along the lines of purity and cleanliness. And jewel.

    English name, means crown in some european language ;p

  7. The chinese characters for Kai (3) ming(2)
    mean “triumph” and “inscribed” respectively.
    If you do the math, that gives you triumph inscribed… or what my mom used to tell me “forever victory”

    what up, i’m ming, grace’s friend from UM.
    she had asked me to email you but i never got around to it (excuse: finals week). I used to live in taipei… so if you need anything, please lemme know.
    ps: my fav club: luxy on a wed night. but i’m sure you’ll get plenty of chances to go out and find out for urself.

    are you studying at Shida?

    hope you’re enjoying taipei!

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