Daily Archives: December 8, 2006

Meaning of a name

What does your name mean? 

Chinese characters are pretty complicated.  If you write one stroke the wrong way it becomes a different character.  So when people ask what your name is they also ask you to put each character in the context of its meaning.  That way folks are able to know how the character is written.  Also, a friend once told me that if something is cofessed over you enough times, you become that.  For example, if everyone around you tells you that you’re stupid, eventually you start to believe it.  So it seems, that if someone’s name is said over and over, they become more and more that person.  Of course this is not true in every case, but regardless I think it is important to understand the origins of self, and one of these origins is in our names.  My English name is Latin and mean “dedicated to Mars.”  Mars-the Roman god of war.  My Chinese name has two characters.  The first character roughly translates into “a lot” and the second “wisdom.”  i.e. I fight wisely.  Bring it.  

What does your name mean?

How to learn to walk again…101

So the story of my life goes like this: always two steps behind.  And it’s true.  I am always late.  Although contrary to popular belief, I have been working on it, and do make a conscious effort to overcome whatever it is that makes me want to be late rather than early…except of course on Tuesday morning.  I was all late and trying to go at fast speed.  Tried to go fast down the escalator and managed to sprain my ankle.  Awesome.  This is what to do about a sprained ankle: 


1.      Eating fish is bad.  I’m not sure why, I was told that it just is

0.      When your ankle is sprained, you walk a lot slower.  This has its up sides: being forced to slow down makes me be more aware of where I am; I am much more aware and appreciative of my body; and I got to ride a motorcycle (a woman stopped and gave me a ride J)

1. Apparently your foot’s insides mirror your hand’s insides. So if you sprain your ankle you should   massage really hard into that spot on your hand that mirrors the spot on your foot.

 Don’t worry, it is much better now.  With a brace on I can walk pretty normally and it has been really good to s-l-o-w down.  Everything moves very fast here…except me and…well as far as I’ve observed, I think just me 😛  So it’s all good.