Daily Archives: December 12, 2006

Mullets of the World Unite!

O.K. so Taiwan Fashion.  It seems to an untrained eye that Taiwanese people have a very diverse fashion sense.  You will see women wearing long sweater skirts and long shorts with high boots.  I have yet to figure out the fashion statements here, but I have to admit that I do like a lot of the clothes, bags, and shoes shoes shoes.  (Mainly because I can fit into the shoes here :)). There is one aspect of Taiawn fashion that I am very interested in, and that is “the mullet.”  There are SO many different types of mullets here!  It’s insipiring.  Now some of you know that I attempted “the mullet” for “the Hoedown” in Hart Plaza and I think I ended up looking just plain creepy… (I will try to find a picture).  From my reasearch, I have not been able to find any good Asian Mullet websites, so I will try my best to get some good shots of Asian Mullets.  These will be posted spordically in the bloggy blogy by themselves, because let’s be honest.  Mullets stand alone.  For now you’ll have to satisfy your mullet appetite with a couple of western mullet websites.  Enjoy!


http://www.mulletjunky.com/picfix14.htm (The information about Asian mullets on this website is false.  Please always look up your sources before determining what is “truth.”)